About Us

Lauren Amason

Lauren Amason has experience working through life stressors with children and families for over ten years.  Each person is unique and should have the opportunity for a safe, judgement free space to face challenges and accomplish goals for personal growth. Mrs. Amason works with all ages to overcome relational challenges, processing grief and chronic illness, and anxiety.  In therapy, Mrs. Amason uses play therapy techniques for younger clients, and works with all ages to provide individualized care. She is a Double Eagle having completed her undergraduate and graduate programs at Georgia Southern University.


Georgia Boswell

Georgia is a Liscensed Associate Porfessional Counselor whose special interest is in working with couples where “life” has gotten in the way of staying connected. She is trained in Gottman’s Couples Therapy which is a research-based approach to working with couples who would like to help          re-connecting with their partner. Georgia also works with people who struggle with feeling overwhelmed by daily life resulting in anxieties and depression. Her approach is to create a safe space for those individuals to acknowledge their personal challenges without judgement and then strength their emotional well-being. I any of this describes your situation, let Georgia partner with you to help create the best version of yourself and provide objective support as you navigate the challenges you face.  


So, why is Evergreen? Well, evergreen is a plant with foliage that remains green all year long. Even though the seasons happen, evergreen plants can always weather those storms and continue to grow. Similarly, we go through seasons of life. …Continue readingSTAYING EVERGREEN

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What is therapy versus what therapy is not

Therapy. A seven-letter word that can insight a range of emotions; fear, excitement, nervousness, joy, relief, and so many more.  There are countless ways people describe therapy or try to explain what therapy is. If you have had any experience with counseling some terms you may have heard are helpful, nonjudgmental, confidential and we are going to break these down…Continue readingWhat is therapy versus what therapy is not

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